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15 Smithing Took Over 100+ Hours [ft. The Last Genie] (Wilderness Only Ironman #16)

Duration: 13:15Views: 158.7KLikes: 3.3KDate Created: Jul, 2019

Channel: Statistically Challenged

Category: Gaming

Tags: uim_verfcaveman onlyone chunk at a time ironmantwitch osrsswampleticssong of the elves osrsosrs pkingoldschool runescape wildernessdesert only iron manwilderness only ironmanosrsultimate iron man modeosrs wildernautosrs pvpturtletaleframedosrs highlightsosrs quest guidekaramja only iron mansettledtorvestarsoldschool runescapetirannwn onlynew bossosrs ironmanrunescape iron man modeosrs elf questarea restricted iron man

Description: Wilderness Only Iron man playlist youtube.com/watch?v=QEt__qfvglY&list=PL5CD-M_1gnfdN1gNBnWJaf0TZpF1U6z0B 15 Smithing, A Goal I have been working ever since Wilderness Only Ironman episode #5, and it has finally been completed. I can now use the iron bar, the possibilities are endless. Mainly, this unlocks crafting since I can make gold bars (gold rings + other helpful jewelry). RULES 1. Restricted to Dangerous Wilderness Area's or Content that is connected to the Wilderness (Lever, Waka Canoe) when gaining exp/obtaining items! (Wilderness part of Edgeville Dungeon Included) If obtained resources, they can be transformed out of dangerous zones (Herblore, crafting) 2. I've allowed myself wilderness slayer as it is directly tied to the wilderness, and the emblem store. 3. I've decided to allow myself to bank in Edgeville. Since Mage Bank is not truly "safe" as you cannot be attacked inside it, I've decided to allow Edgeville banking since its surrounded by content attached the wilderness (emblem store, slayer master, lever, Waka canoe) GOAL: Obtain every unique wilderness item. (Except Corp, and kbd which are both in "safe zones") Play Oldschool Runescape (OSRS) here: oldschool.runescape.com Songs: Intro: Home - Twisted Light Oldschool Runescape Music Home - Above All For anyone asking, why not ultimate iron man? In the wilderness when you die on an ultimate ironman you lose everything, which would be impractical as deaths are uncontrolled and you could die at anytime in the wilderness. I also cant keep every unique drop on me as an ultimate. People who inspired me and do Restricted Iron man content: Settled (Mortanyia only iron man) youtube.com/channel/UCs-w7E2HZWwXmjt9RTvBB_A/featured Caveman Only (cave/castle only iron man) youtube.com/channel/UCM2sGvJIXpByCbAVl7NDjpw TurtleTale (elveland only iron man) youtube.com/user/Murderrturtl UIM Verf (karamja only iron man) youtube.com/channel/UCymoZh5mmZIKSqTtadRf3ow Tedious (Zeah only iron man) youtube.com/channel/UCzNegrsvcEBIMB_5_W7XNTA Skourai RS (Pioneered Wildy iron man before IM release) youtube.com/user/UkeleleFinn Play OSRS Here oldschool.runescape.com Been inspired to play the game by restricting my account. Love these content creators and they all have amazing Iron man accounts so check them out.

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